Our Carbon Footprint

At Sambro we recognise both the potential long-term impacts of climate change, and the affect it is having here and now. The effects on our planet and its people cannot be ignored, and we believe that in order to effectively address global warming, businesses, governments and societies across the world need to come together, collaborate and invest in shared policies and technologies in order to reduce emissions.   
We calculate our Scope 1 and Scope 2 Carbon Footprint each year, in an effort to understand our emissions and how we can best reduce them. The below graph shows our emissions, split by scope, in tons of CO2 for the past 5 years.
These statistics take into account the emissions for all Sambro operated premises – our offices in Amsterdam, the UK and Hong Kong.
We have reduced our total Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 28% from our 2019 base year, and aim to continue driving this down.  
Calculating our Carbon Footprint is an ongoing process, and for our 2022 submission we included data for Scope 3  for the first time. Whilst we understand that Scope 1 & 2 (direct emissions) make up the bulk of our output, we are always looking to make reductions where we can, and by gathering Scope 3 data we are able to set ourselves targets. Using the Operational Control approach, we have identified the key areas of Scope 3 that we are responsible for, and these are shown in the graph below, along with a full table of data showing all elements that make up Scope 1, 2 and 3.   

Using the Operational Control approach, we identified key areas of Scope 3 we were able to report on. For 2023 this was expanded even further, with new categories being added. The below graph shows how our Scope 3 emissions compare year on year, with full data shown in the corresponding table.

Sambro aims to be fully transparent in the way that we report our Carbon Footprint, which is why all the available data is shown here. Our total emissions have actually increased this year, by 8% and we are not shying away from that fact. However, this is mainly due to an increase in Scope; what we have reported on has increased, so it makes sense for our emissions to increase also. There is a reason that ‘direct emissions’ (Scope 1 & 2) are the primary focus for many companies – they account for the largest proportion of GHG gas output, and are the easiest to control. We are extremely proud of our 20% reduction in direct emissions compared to last year, and aim to focus on how this can be replicated in our Scope 3 categories. The below charts give a full breakdown across Scopes and categories and show us what to focus on

It is also important to note that while the data submitted in these categories covers the whole of our operations in most instances, the data for Waste covers our UK office only. As we continue on our Carbon Reporting journey, we look to extend the range of what we can report on to ensure figures are as accurate as possible

Our full Carbon Footprint reports can be found below:


For more information on Carbon footprinting, check out the below links:

